A Hypnotic Regression Experience

Unearth hidden spiritual lessons by journeying through time & consciousness

You didn’t come to Earth to feel less than fully alive

Imagine what life could be like if —

  • You knew with absolute certainty that there’s more than this perception of reality

  • You felt connected with your highest self, consciousness, soul, spirit, the universe, god … whatever you call the organizing wisdom of life

  • You understood that there are infinite possibilities of your future right now

  • You sensed the lessons you’re here to learn in this incarnation or lifetime

  • You could remove the blocks that have been holding you back for years

This is all possible from your home, without needing plant medicine or a trip to Peru.

Hypnotic Regression

Take a spiritual journey via hypnosis
to explore other times & lives

Who were you in other lifetimes? A witch, a warrior, a nun, a pharaoh?

In a highly relaxed state, we bypass the logical mind & regress (go backwards), progress (go forwards), or beyond our conception of time to memories stored by your higher self, sub/superconscious. You’re only shown what you’re ready to see & every person has a completely unique experience.

This isn’t just a voyeuristic venture, peering into other lives. Instead, you feel & move through the emotions of that life with a visceral knowing that you are different as a result, right now in this life. In some cases profound healing occurs, including the physical body.

Regression is perfect for you if you —

  • Wonder what other dimensions of consciousness are like

  • Experience enduring struggles that you’d like to resolve or understand

  • Have unexplained fears or recurrent dreams that don’t make sense

  • Drawn to certain locations or periods in time

  • Want to understand what death could feel like or lose your fear of death

  • Are just dang curious about the possibilities of past, parallel, or future lives (this is how I fell into it!)

Private Session

  • One 3-hour personalized & private guided journey through time & consciousness over Zoom. Sessions are completely confidential.

  • Create a list of questions you want answered by your higher self, spirit guides, & the quantum field, & any health concerns you'd like resolved

  • Visualization practices ahead of time to ensure you have great experience

  • Session notes and recording to further ground your experience

  • Email support for a week afterward to ask questions or share thoughts

Investment: $497 CAD


You are 100% safe to try out a session and see if it’s for you!. Book now & experience what it’s like to viscerally feel what it was like to live in another time & connect with your higher self to get the lessons you need right now.

If within 7 DAYS of purchase, for whatever reason you feel that wasn’t absolutely worth it, I will refund 100% of your full-price investment. You can read the full refund policy here.



    You may want to create a list of questions you want answered by your higher self, spirit guides, & the quantum field, as well as any health concerns you would like resolved.

    You’ll receive information to prepare you for the session, including visualization practices & technical requirements to ensure you have great experience. If you have a hard time visualizing things these practices are fantastic prep!


    We’ll open up your virtual session by clarifying your intentions & setting up the space so you feel safe, guided, & protected (30 mins).

    The regression itself will feel like a relaxing guided meditation through multiple lifetimes (2+ hrs). Everyone’s experience is unique, appropriate & guided by what is perfect for you to know & see in this moment of time. During this high vibration & divinely guided experience, we’ll also ask that your health concerns be healed.


    You’ll be gently brought back to your awakened state & we’ll recap what you experienced (30 mins). You will leave the session with new perspectives on this life & your self, feeling like you just went on a long & detailed daydream.

    Plan to have some time afterwards to ground yourself with a meal & the space to process before jumping back in to mentally or physically intensive activities. You may want to jot notes down in the Integration Workbook over the following week or so.

  • Hypnosis is a relaxation technique to intentionally reach a heightened state of mental awareness & focus. It feels a bit like zoning out while driving or watching TV (alpha brainwave) or having a long, detailed daydream where nothing distracts you (theta brainwave).

    You remain conscious & in control at all times, able to stop at any point. This is no “entertainment stage hypnosis”. You’ll remember what happened & will actually be giving feedback & commentary of your experience to me throughout.

  • Some practitioners believe that we recover actual memories from the past & from other times our soul incarnates. Others believe that all time is happening right now in the quantum field or that we access information in the form of metaphorical lifetimes that have something to show us about ourselves.

    I’m open to possibilities & don’t have a definitive answer! Either way, the real or symbolic storylines are incredibly effective in resolving blocks or emotion & providing transformative spiritual insights.

  • I’ve had the time of my life doing regressions over the past 5 years. I’m ALWAYS astounded at the often-profound, always-fascinating lives & lessons that my clients experience.

    I first trained under Mira Kelley, author of Beyond Past Lives (my all-time favourite past lives book) & regressionist to legendary Wayne Dyer, who tells stories of their sessions in his book Wishes Fulfilled. I’m also certified in Beyond Quantum Healing developed by Candace Craw-Goldman (a protege of Dolores Cannon & her QHHT regression method).

  • It’s totally normal to wonder if regression will work for you or if you’ll see anything at all. 99% of people I’ve worked with live in a private session experience lives their first try.

    To put your mind at ease, I offer a 7-day money-back guarantee (see above)!

    You might not see anything with vivid detail right off the bat - stick with it! Regressionist Mira Kelley says, “Remember, no movie is delivered to you in a single second … it’s only at the end of the movie that all pieces come together.” Instead, you might feel an emotion or smell something or see a glimmer of light or feel a physical sensation in your body. Whatever it is, however weird or nonsensical, allow yourself to imagine or even make up what you are experiencing & the unfolding scene. When you let go of the anxiety of needing to know what’s “real” you will better drop into the experience.

    All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so regression works best when you have an open mind & a willingness to relax. Let go of your expectations. To do this you have to feel safe & trust your practitioner. You will receive several meditative practices ahead of your session to help you feel more comfort & ease with relaxation & visualization.

    I cannot promise whether you will go to the past, present, or future or even receive healing. We can try, but ultimately, it’s not up to me as I’m only a channel for the energy. Consciousness may have other ideas. For example — & this hasn’t happened to a client yet — I asked to receive physical healing during a session last year & my higher self shut me down with a stern, “No. You have lessons to learn from this.” Months later I realized the genius of this.

  • Past life regression is very safe. If at any point during the session you feel overwhelmed, I will help you easily return to a safe place. Regression can often feel like watching a movie & clients rarely (if ever) see frightening scenes.

    You may experience sadness, tears, or difficult emotions from unresolved issues in another incarnation. Your higher self only gives you what you’re ready for & offers a way to compassionately transmute or heal that unstuck energy by bringing it to conscious awareness.

    I take clients to the end of a life & a subsequent life review. Instead of it feeling traumatic, there’s a new transformative understanding of self, of relationships, & why we’re here, with lessons that help us make better decisions right now.

  • Most people find that their key questions were answered within a single 3-hour session. If you have a bunch of questions (like many of us) or other unresolved emotions, you might benefit from another session.

I’m thrilled to share my joy for the simplicity of 

Sitting down at home, going on a soul journey, & returning with a life-changing insight

I’ve had 100s of regressions! In fact, I used to do short recorded regressions over my lunch breaks to escape from a career that was nearing its end. I don’t suggest this lol! Insights from those regressions were critical to me finally leaving that job, especially the day I saw a scene in my future - it was abundant & fabulous!

At that moment, I knew TO MY CORE (& still do) that much more was possible … that I could be THAT version of me! I could choose another path! I still tear up years later every time I think of that powerful moment - it’s in me now.

That’s the power of regression: long-lasting lightbulb moments.